Finfringe is the city festival for short performances in Turku 8.-12.5.2024. The performances are chosen via an international open call.

FINFRINGE ry is a non-profit organization, whose main objective is to organize Fringe festivals. We thrive for openness, building a sense of community and being environmentally friendly. We want to build the most comfortable, communal and interesting performance event in the Nordic countries right here in Turku.

Seen from a worldwide perspective, Fringe is a performance event movement, that started in Edinburgh in 1947. Finfringe is part of a 300 event strong festival group.

Finfringe brings spring!


All performances are concentrated in the core center of Turku; on the stages of Åbo Svenska Theatre, Turku City theatre, Linnateatteri, Hansa shopping center and the new Turku City Market Square.


You name it, we got it! At Finfringe you can experience a wide variety of performing arts: theater, dance, cirkus art, performances, Stand up comedy, street performances as well as a blend of all the different genres. From May 8th to the 12th 2024 you can experience and get to know both international and Finnish performances, all splendidly under one hour in running time.


Finringe is to performing arts what rock festivals are to band gigs – during a concentrated period of time you can experience several interesting and new, mind bending and pioneering performances at affordable ticket prices.

Finfringe in Turku May 8-12, 2024