Uncanny: Subject 76

Clownery, Mask theatre

Thu. 15.05


Åbo Svenska Teater - Café Tiljan

Sat. 17.05


Åbo Svenska Teater - Café Tiljan

Duration: 35 min

Language: Finnish

Suitability: -

Group: Kosmos Collective

Country: Finland

Performers: Tuomas Vainionpää, Emmi Astikainen

Team: Emmi Astikainen (Concept, choreography, and dramaturgy), Tuomas Vainionpää (Lighting design, technical execution, and production), Mio Vahekoski (Sound design), Meri Salo (Dramaturgical dialogist), Liisa Turunen (Photos)

Description: Welcome to the Uncanny valley - Outolaakso. In this scientific experiment, we are observing Test Subject No. 76, who, together with the audience, embarks on a journey from birth through the terrible twos, existential crisis, and ultimately death. We do not yet know the results of the experiment, but our research team's hypothesis is that we are on the verge of a major breakthrough!

A performance combining mask theater, clowning, and physical expression explores, through humor and science fiction imagery, topics such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and the human sense of self in our rapidly technologizing world.