Dance, Performance

Wed. 14.05


Turku City Theatre - Sopukka stage

Thu. 15.05


Turku City Theatre - Sopukka stage

Duration: 40 min

Language: English

Suitability: 12+

Group: Esther Kasenda

Country: Portugal

Performers: Esther Kasenda

Team: Danyel van Kleef (Photographs)

Description: REVERBERATED.
What does it mean to challenge the boundaries of identity, and how does the body carry ancestral memory?

REVERBERATED. is a solo performance that explores these questions through the journey of an African woman navigating the fractures of time, memory, and self.

Through Afro movement traditions, sound, and ritualistic storytelling, REVERBERATED. challenges cultural perceptions of femininity, power, and identity within both African and Western contexts. It offers a vision of the self as dynamic and ever-changing. It celebrates and embraces the fluidity of becoming.

REVERBERATED. blends movement, physical theatre, and visual elements to create an immersive experience. The dancer’s body becomes a living archive, carrying the weight of history while embodying transformation.

More than a performance, REVERBERATED. is an act of resistance, a reclamation of voice, and a testament to the power of art to heal and transform. It invites audiences to reflect on their identities, listen to the echoes of histories, and imagine a world where you can become whole, the silenced can speak and the self can reverberate with its truth.
