Susanna Pukkila: Joni - Play (like) a man


Wed. 14.05


Åbo Svenska Teater - Studio stage

Thu. 15.05


Åbo Svenska Teater - Studio stage

Duration: 55 min

Language: English

Suitability: 18+

Group: Susanna Pukkila

Country: Finland

Performers: Susanna Pukkila

Team: Dan Zerin (Photo)

Description: A silly, sweat-drenched solo spectacle sponsored by the MVP of the patriarchy: internalized misogyny. Susanna Pukkila (2024 Baltic Nordic Fringe Network Award Winner) tackles the world as Joni, a savage yet charming hockey bro—but at what cost? Also starring: snuff, beer, karaoke, and the greatest team of all time.