He Said/She Said

Stand-up, Comedy

Fri. 16.05


Åbo Svenska Teater - Café Tiljan

Sat. 17.05


Linnateatteri - Tampuuri

Duration: 45 min

Language: English

Suitability: 18+

Group: Step Near Productions

Country: Iceland

Performers: Stefnir Benediktsson, Jess LoMonaco

Team: -

Description: Stand-up comedy with two people sharing the stage AT THE SAME TIME?!

For those who have seen comedy shows where the comedian talks about their partner, we've taken the guesswork out of wondering what he said and what she said. Hear it firsthand as couple Stefnir Benediktsson and Jess LoMonaco take to the stage in an improv-based comedy set about marriage, family, mental health, "normal things", living in Iceland, confessions, and more.

Be warned: topics like sex, queerness, mental health disorders and general functional dysfunction will come up! Please laugh with us (and maybe a little bit at us).
